he PROTIMETER Humidity Box is used to evaluate the moisture content of concrete floors, as follows:
1. Place the box or boxes in position on the floor to be tested, ensuring that the hole in the suide of the box is plugged with the plug provided.
2. If the floor surface is rough, the edge of the box must be sealed against air leakage by butyl mastic sealnat, or a similar product.
3. Put a brick or similar on top of the box to ensure that it remains in position.
4. Leave for sufficient time for equilibrium to be reached (min 24 hours – refer to relevant British Standard)
5. Remove the plug from the box and insert the Hygrostick into the hole.
6. Leave the Hygrostick in place for at least 30 minutes, to aclimatise with conditions inside the humidity box.
7. Connect a hygrometer to the Hygrostick using a Hygrostick extension lead and note the humidity reading.
8. Check the readings at 5 minute intervals. When 3 consecutive readings are within +/- 0.3% rh of each other, take this as the relative humidity of the air trapped in the humidity box.
9. Interpretation of readings (as per BS 8201, 8203, 5325). Less than 75% rh is considered to indicate a dry floor.
The PROTIMETER Hygromaster can be used to check the humdity of the entrapped air within the Humidity Box